If you suffer from digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, psychological issues or chronic health challenges, you’re in the right place.
How2Gaps is here to guide you through your healing journey and empower you to take control of your body and mind.
You deserve to thrive, not only survive!
We are here to hold your hand whilst you are restoring your gut and becoming a healthier version of yourself.
We know it is not an easy ride, but it is all worth it.
We’ve been through this as well.
Two committed Nutritional Therapists and certified GAPS™ Coaches with more than 15 years of GAPS™ experience, joined their forces to help you achieve your health goals.
They follow a functional approach, applying the principles of Nutritional Therapy, GAPS™ Protocol and aligning it with your bio individuality to maximise your chances to heal and seal your gut, restore micro-biome, get rid of those nasty symptoms and help you thrive.
GAPS™ helped me to overcome a number of symptoms, including:
Low energy
Dizzy spells
Yeast overgrowth
Panic attacks
Chronic constipation
Multiple allergies
UTI infections
GAPS™ helped me to overcome a number of symptoms, including:
Yeast overgrowth
Nutritional deficiencies
Fussy eating disorder
Light sleep
Excessive urination
Sensitive teeth
Keep in touch to
learn more about
GAPS™ Protocol